The power of the press , The times of India ( ) the award winning daily is available for the equivalent of 17 pence or near enough
In the last decade India has lifted 300 million people from extreme poverty , they have managed to raise the Bottom of the pyramid ,to create a working class with access to property rights and probably most spectacularly of all to manage a bubble and contain the subsequent burst trapping most of the wealth that was created in long term investments the Pages of the TOI are full of advertisements from SME
“When societies fail to respond to reduced circumstances through orderly downsizing, it isn’t because they don’t want to, it’s because they can’t”. Clay Shirky
Via @to2 ( )
Over 80% of Nigerians are under 30 years old ,over 80 % of all capital in Nigeria is in the hands of the over 50 years old
A generation / government of “Midnight Children” ( ) and parents, benefactors of the spoils of independence ,complacent, bourgeois and mired in bureaucracy . Accustomed to living off rents the nation is unable to “raise revenues above expenses, or cut expenses below revenues “ and so they are living in the gap
The collapse of complex business models ;
We live in the gap between the old and complex business models and the new and direct business model thanks to the amount of technology and the accessibility of it, entrepreneurs have the necessary tools required to create far reaching enterprises with very little capital.
Having just launched our first app ( a simple app giving product description, range and allowing you call directly a special sales line ) and seen the success and the problems that arose we are in development of our next upgrade / pivot and shall be applying lessons learnt from @TechRepublic ( )
One of the main issues we faced was exposure! Advertisement to get the word out , gaining traction :-
Caveat before you go starting up read this on start ups and technical founders :via @sitepointmatt ( )
Once you startup and are in need of media exposure ask yourself this :
- Why are you advertising (the objectives)?
- Who are you trying to influence (the target audience)?
- What do you want to communicate about the brand (the message)?
- Why do you think people will believe it (the reasons to believe/proof points)?
- How do you want to say it (tone & manner)?
- What do you think people will say after seeing/hearing it (the desired outcome)?
- What can’t you say/do, and what do you have to say/do (the so-called ‘mandatories’)?
In Nigeria; press adverts are very expensive , they are also the only way to reach a broad audience quick
The one thing you shall soon discover with socialmedia is there is no point in fishing in your own pond
In Nigeria, the use of the internet is very limited and access is mainly by Mobile there are over 1million registered blackberry users in Lagos
The vast majority of its population is below 30 years and the vast majority of its wealth is trapped in the 50 and above age group
The opportunity lies in; creating a layer of SME’s to act as the glue between both groups
To create enterprise that requires relatively little start up capital, approx the cost of a used car
To use technology to provide information of goods and services available therefore increasing awareness and transparency
Fostering choice and efficiency
Ultimately reducing the price of goods increasing the relative value of labour encouraging enterprise creativity and thrift
Task :-
Using the power of Facebook To access the Gap Generation empowering them to utilise the labour capital of the under 30’s and access the financial capital of the over 50’s
Resoucery: tools ,rules and advice via Google , @rosiefresh ,@martinsoorjoo , ,
In the mean time I have gone to buy an android phone thanks to @TechRepublic
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